Publications 2019

  1. Andrianantenaina, A.N., Rathgeber, C.B.K., Pérez-de-Lis, G., Cuny, H., Ruelle, J. (2019) Quantifying intra-annual dynamics of carbon sequestration in the forming wood: a novel histologic approach, Annals of Forest Science, 76-62
  2. Beaulieu, J. & Dutilleul, P. (2019). Applications of computed tomography (CT) scanning technology in forest research: a timely update and review. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 49(10): 1173-1188. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2018-0537
  3. Belle, S., Nilsson, J.L., Tonno, I., Freiberg, R., Tobias V., Goedkoop W (2019) Climate-induced changes in carbon flows across the plant-consumer interface in a small subarctic lake, Scientific Reports Natureresearch, 9:17087
  4. Bello, J., Hasselquist, N.J., Vallet, P., Kahmen, A., Perot T. & Korboulewsky N. (2019) Complementary water uptake depth of Quercus petraea and Pinus sylvestris in mixed stands during an extreme drought, Plant Soil, 437, 93-115
  5. Bogeat-Triboulot, M.B., Buré, C., Gerardin, T., Chuste, P.A., Le Thiec, D., Hummel, I., Durand, M., Wildhagen, H., Douthe, C., Molins, A., Galmés, J., Smith, H.K., Flexas, J., Polle, A., Taylor, G. & Brendel, O. (2019) Additive effects of high growth rate and low transpiration rate drive differences nin whole plant transpiration efficiency among black poplar genotypes, Environmental and Experimental Botany, Accepted
  6. Brédoire, F., Zeller, B., Kayler, Z.E., Barsukov, P.A., Nikitich, P., Rusalimova, O., Bakker, M.R., Bashuk, A., Sainte-Marie, J., Didier, S., Legout, A. & Derrien, D. (2019) The fate of leaf-litter N under contrasting pedo-climatic conditions in southwestern Siberia, Soil biology and Biochemistry, 135, 331-342
  7. Chuste, P.A., Massonnet, C., Gérant, D., Zeller, B., Levillain J., Hossann C., Angeli, N., Wortemann, R., Breda, N. & Maillard, P. (2019). Short-term nitrogen dynamics are impacted by defoliation and drought in Fagus sylvatica L. branches. TreePhysiology, 00, 1-13
  8. Dannoura, M., Epron, D., Desalme, D., Massonnet, C., Tsuji, S., Plain, C., Priault, P. & Gérant D. (2019) The impact of prolonged drought on phloem anatomy and phloem ,transport in young beech trees, TreePhysiology, 39, 201-210
  9. Deveau, A., Clowez, P., Petit, F., Maurice, J.P., Todesco, F., Murat, C., Harroué, M., Ruelle, J. & Le Tacon, F. (2019) New insights into black truffle biology: discovery of the potential connecting structure between a Tuber aestivum ascocarp and its host root, Mycorrhiza, 29 (3), 219-226
  10. Faure, J.F., Walter, C., Balesdent, J., Chanudet, V., Avriller, J.N., Hossann, C., Baudoin, J.M. & Dambrine, E. (2019) Soils Drowned in Water Impoundments: A New Frontier, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7, 53, 1-15
  11. Félix-Faure, J., Gaillard, J., Descloux, S., Chanudet, V., Poirel, A., Baudoin, J.-M., Avrillier, J.-N., Millery, A. & Dambrine, E. (2019), Contribution of Flooded Soils to Sediment and Nutrient Fluxes in a Hydropower Reservoir (Sarrans, Central France), Ecosystems.
  12. Ferguson, J.N., Meyer, R.C., Edwards, K.D., Humphry, M., Brendel O. & Bechtold U. (2019) Accelerated flowering time reduces lifetime water use without penalizing reproductive performance in Arabidopsis, Plant, Cell & Environment, 42, 6, 1847-1867
  13. Four, B., Thomas, M., Danger, M., Angeli, N., Perga, M.E & Banas D. (2019) Using stable isotope approach to quantify pond dam impacts on isotopic niches and assimilation of resources by invertebrates in temporary streams: a case study, Hydrobiologia, 834, 1, 163-181
  14. Henneron, L., Cros, C., Picon-Cochar, C., Rahimian, V., Fontaine S. (2019) Plant economic strategies of grassland species control soil carbon dynamics through rhizodeposition, Journal of Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.13276
  15. Jacquin, P., Mothe, F., Longuetaud, F., Billard, A., Kerfriden, B. & Leban, J.M. (2019) CarDen: A software for fast measurement of wood density on increment cores by CT scanning, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 156, 606-617
  16. Lemmel, F., Maunoury-Danger, F., Leyval, C., Cébron, A. (2019) DNA stable isotope probing reveals contrasted activity and phenanthrene-degrading bacteria identity in a gradient of anthropized soils, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 95, 12, https://doi.org/10.1093/femsec/fiz181
  17. Lemmel, F., Maunoury-Danger, F., Fanesi, A., Leyval, C. & Cébron A. (2019) Soil Properties and Multi-Pollution Affect Taxonomic and Functional Bacterial Diversity in a Range of French Soils Displaying an Anthropisation Gradient. Microb Ecol,  77, 993–1013 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-018-1297-7
  18. Leroy, C., Gril, E., Si Ouali, L., Coste, S., Gérard, B., Maillard, P., Mercier, H. & Stahl C. (2019) Water and nutrient uptake capacity of leaf-absorbing trichomes vs. roots in epiphytic tank bromeliads, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 163, 112-123.
  19. Ouadi, L., Bruez, E., Bastien, S., Vallance, J., Lecomte, P., Domec, J.C. & Rey, P. (2019) Ecophysiological impacts of Esca, a devastating grapevine trunk disease, on Vitis vinifera L. PLoS ONE 14(9): e0222586. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222586
  20. Ponton, S., Bornot, Y. & Bréda, N. (2019) Soil fertilization transiently increases radial growth in sessile oaks but does not change their resilience to severe soil water deficit, Forest and Ecology Management, 432, 923-931
  21. Purba, C.Y.C., Pot, G., Viguier, J., Ruelle, J & Denaud L. (2019)  et al. The influence of veneer thickness and knot proportion on the mechanical properties of laminated veneer lumber (LVL) made from secondary quality hardwood. Eur. J. Wood Prod. 77, 393–404 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00107-019-01400-3
  22. Puverel, C.; Abourachid, A.; Böhmer, C.; Leban, J.-M.; Svoboda, M. & Paillet, Y. (2019) This is my spot: What are the characteristics of the trees excavated by the Black Woodpecker? A case study in two managed French forests, Forest Ecology and Management, 453, 117621
  23. Rasheed, F., Dreyer, E., Le Thiec, D., Zafar, Z. & Delagrange, S. (2019) Tree aging does not affect the ranking for water use efficiency recorded from δ13C in three Populus deltoides × P. nigra genotypes, iForest Biogeosiences and Forestry, 12, 272-278
  24. Thomas, F.: Corre E. & Cébron A. (2019) Stable isotope probing and metagenomics highlight the effect of plants on uncultured phenanthrene-degrading bacterialconsortium in polluted soil, the ISME Journal, 13(7), 1814-1830
  25. Vidal D.F., Trichet, P., Puzos, L., Bakker, M.R., Delerue F. & Augusto, L. (2019) Intercropping N-fixing shrubs in pine plantation forestry as an ecologically sustainable management option, Forest Ecology and Management, 437, 175-187.
  26. Zeller, B., Legout, A., Bienaimé S., Gratia, B., Santenoise, P., Bonnaud, P., Ranger, J. (2019) Douglas fir stimulates nitrification in French forest soils, Scientific Reports Natureresearch, 9:10687